07480 708965
About Us
Welcome to Gotham Pre-School Playgroup.
We know how important your child is and aim to deliver the highest quality of care and education to help them to achieve their best.
Gotham Pre-School Playgroup aims to:
provide high quality care and education for children below statutory school age;
work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop;
add to the life and well-being of the local community; and
offer children and their parents or carers a service that promotes equality and values diversity.
Parents and Carers:
You are regarded as members of our setting who have full participatory rights. These include a right to be:
valued and respected;
kept informed;
involved; and
included at all levels.
Gotham Pre-School Playgroup is a registered charity (No 1035503) and is run by a voluntary committee. We depend on the good will of parents and carers and their involvement to keep going. Membership of the setting carries expectations on you for your support and commitment.
We are open for 2-5 year olds for 38 weeks per year in line with Nottinghamshire County Council’s School term times.
We are closed:
During school holidays and Inset days alongside Gotham Primary School.
We are open for:
5 mornings, 5 lunch clubs and 5 afternoons per week (excluding holidays and Inset days)
The times we open are Monday to Friday:
9am to 12pm – Mornings
12pm to 1pm – Lunch Club
1pm to 3.30pm – Afternoons